Noah and the Ark
The late, beloved children's book writer and illustrator Tomie dePaola, presents his unique, imaginative artwork to bring new life to this beautiful retelling of a well-loved and inspiring Bible story.
Noah was a good man, and it was said that he walked with God. So Noah did what God said: He built a huge ark, took his whole family and two of every kind of animal in it, and he waited as the rain poured down for forty days and forty nights . .
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Noah and the Ark
The late, beloved children's book writer and illustrator Tomie dePaola, presents his unique, imaginative artwork to bring new life to this beautiful retelling of a well-loved and inspiring Bible story.
Noah was a good man, and it was said that he walked with God. So Noah did what God said: He built a huge ark, took his whole family and two of every kind of animal in it, and he waited as the rain poured down for forty days and forty nights . .
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