Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know

Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know

The new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: the Eucharist, history, art, and philosophy.

Book Summary

In Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know, Suzie Andres focuses on Catholic customs, traditions, and practices that are in danger of being forgotten but which have been, for centuries, the joy of Catholics to remember. Topics covered include:

  • The Seven Sacraments
  • The Layout of a Church
  • Details and Process of the Mass
  • Catholic Doctrine on Mary
  • The Communion of Saints
  • Angels
  • The Liturgical Year
  • Popes, Bishops, Priests, and Religious Life
  • Different Rites (Byzantine, Alexandrian, Latin, etc.)

"Cradle Catholic, Convert, or Curious Inquirer . . . you will quickly find there are more Catholic customs, traditions, habits, and points of etiquette than articles of the Creed, and so, for easier access, my bet is that you will find it handy to have all this lore in one 50,000 word document."
— From Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know

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Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know

Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know


The new What Every Catholic Should Know series is intended for the average faithful Catholic who wants to know more about Catholic faith and culture. The authors in this series take a panoramic approach to the topic of each book aimed at a non-specialist but enthusiastic readership. Forthcoming titles planned for this series include: the Eucharist, history, art, and philosophy.

Book Summary

In Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know, Suzie Andres focuses on Catholic customs, traditions, and practices that are in danger of being forgotten but which have been, for centuries, the joy of Catholics to remember. Topics covered include:

  • The Seven Sacraments
  • The Layout of a Church
  • Details and Process of the Mass
  • Catholic Doctrine on Mary
  • The Communion of Saints
  • Angels
  • The Liturgical Year
  • Popes, Bishops, Priests, and Religious Life
  • Different Rites (Byzantine, Alexandrian, Latin, etc.)

"Cradle Catholic, Convert, or Curious Inquirer . . . you will quickly find there are more Catholic customs, traditions, habits, and points of etiquette than articles of the Creed, and so, for easier access, my bet is that you will find it handy to have all this lore in one 50,000 word document."
— From Being Catholic: What Every Catholic Should Know

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Book Summary

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The Catholic Home Gallery

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Artwork included in The Catholic Home Gallery

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The Wedding at Cana by Matthew Alderman
Father Jacques Hamel by Neilson Carlin
Saint Charles Lwanga by Neilson Carlin
Saint Joseph Terror of Demons by Bernadette Carstensen
Mary Star of the Sea by Bernadette Carstensen
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St. Benedict and St. Scholastica by Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs
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Our Lady of La Vang by Elizabeth Zelasko

Click “Product Videos” below to watch artist Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs discuss The Catholic Home Gallery on the Ignatius Press Podcast.


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