What are the Three Branches of the Government? And Other Questions about the U.S. Constitution

What are the Three Branches of the Government? And Other Questions about the U.S. Constitution
Who wrote the U.S. Constitution? How long did it take to write? What is the Bill of Rights? The Constitution forms the basis for our governments organization—and our liberties. Children will also learn how the three branches of government operate, how amendments are enacted, and how the Constitution has changed.

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What are the Three Branches of the Government? And Other Questions about the U.S. Constitution

What are the Three Branches of the Government? And Other Questions about the U.S. Constitution

Who wrote the U.S. Constitution? How long did it take to write? What is the Bill of Rights? The Constitution forms the basis for our governments organization—and our liberties. Children will also learn how the three branches of government operate, how amendments are enacted, and how the Constitution has changed.

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