DOCAT: What to Do?

DOCAT is "revealing the secret" to young people around the world.

DOCAT helps young people to know and live Catholic Social Teaching.

It's a great, practical follow up to YOUCAT, the hugely popular Youth Catechism, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Drawing on Scripture, YOUCAT, the Catechism, and the Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching, DOCAT shows young people how to work toward building a "civilization of love".

Features include:

• Popular Q & A YOUCAT style, tackles tough questions about social justice and related issues

• Lots of full-color photos with young people and others

• Inspirational and insightful quotes , including comments from St John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Pope Francis, Pope Benedict

• Written with help from church leaders, business leaders, social activists, and young people

• Guides young people in conscience formation and Catholic action on social and political issues

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DOCAT: What to Do?

DOCAT: What to Do?


DOCAT is "revealing the secret" to young people around the world.

DOCAT helps young people to know and live Catholic Social Teaching.

It's a great, practical follow up to YOUCAT, the hugely popular Youth Catechism, based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Drawing on Scripture, YOUCAT, the Catechism, and the Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching, DOCAT shows young people how to work toward building a "civilization of love".

Features include:

• Popular Q & A YOUCAT style, tackles tough questions about social justice and related issues

• Lots of full-color photos with young people and others

• Inspirational and insightful quotes , including comments from St John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Pope Francis, Pope Benedict

• Written with help from church leaders, business leaders, social activists, and young people

• Guides young people in conscience formation and Catholic action on social and political issues

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