Christopher, the Holy Giant

Christopher, the Holy Giant

"A long time ago, in the land of Canaan, there lived a giant known as Reprobus. Because he was so big and strong, Reprobus wished to serve the greatest and most powerful king in all the world. So he set off to find him…"  For hundreds of years Catholics honored Christopher as the patron saint of travelers. But when he came to be seen as more mythical than historical, the Church discouraged devotion to him. Wanting to preserve the legend of the giant who carried the Christ Child, Tomie dePaola retold and illustrated the story in this captivating book.

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Christopher, the Holy Giant

Christopher, the Holy Giant


"A long time ago, in the land of Canaan, there lived a giant known as Reprobus. Because he was so big and strong, Reprobus wished to serve the greatest and most powerful king in all the world. So he set off to find him…"  For hundreds of years Catholics honored Christopher as the patron saint of travelers. But when he came to be seen as more mythical than historical, the Church discouraged devotion to him. Wanting to preserve the legend of the giant who carried the Christ Child, Tomie dePaola retold and illustrated the story in this captivating book.

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